WTC Tribute

WTC, Pentagon, Pennyslvania...

WTC -- Music tribute "Fields Of Gold" From the Album.... "Both Sides"....
by .....Vigdis Wisur (Artist)

Her voice is truly amazing and simply powerful ... Amazingly Beautiful!
...Stunningly Amazing,
and yet Powerful!

Vigdis Wisur - Both Sides Album is simply a pleasure to listen to .............



Here is my new postcard design.... Enjoy!

This page is my personal tribute honoring our military service men and women keeping this country safe from harm since this unthinkable tragedy hit our country.

Let us take a moment of silence to remember this solemn and 11th Anniversary. May we all cherish the soon to be completed WTC Complex and Freedom Tower....

Always respect our airport security professionals while flying our aviation system.

Click below on the bottom left corner of the webpage - (American Flag Icon ) - to visit and view the new home of the WTC complex as well as current updates.....

New WTC Complex

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