
This is one of our private planes we called Superduck.


Me co-piloting Whiskey Romeo.

Airbus 320

Left view of Airbus 320. One beautiful flight deck!

Airbus 320

Mid-view of Airbus 320.

Airbus 320

Throttle view of Airbus 320

Alaska Glacier

Stunning image of an Alaska glacier.

Alaska Sunset

Beautiful image of an Alaskan sunset.

Birthday 1995

Friends from Tri-C celebrating my birthday.

Best Friends

A picture of me with my best friend, Chuck, 1988.


Me in formal dress on a cruise.

Prom 1987

Me and Eileen at my highschool prom.

Graduation 2007

Me at my college graduation.

Graduation 2007

That's me with my degree.

Graduation 2007

A big thumbs up.

Graduation 2007

My mom, me, and my aunt (from left to right).

Graduation 2007

Me and my mom.

Graduation 2007

Mom congratulating me.

Gdansk, Poland

Me and my grandfather in Gdansk, Poland.

Labor Day Air Show

Labor Day Air Show in Cleveland, Ohio.

Labor Day Air Show

Labor Day Air Show in Cleveland, Ohio.

Favorite Show

What a great show!

Highschool Senior Picture

Yep, that's me :)

Dad's Machine Shop

That's me when I was younger in front of my dad's shop.

Circle Quay, Australia, 1986

Me and my sister in Circle Quay, Australia, in 1986. That's the famous Sydney Opera House behind us.


A picture of the Concord at Oshkosh.

Curacao 2007

Me in Curacao.

Curacao 2007

What a fabulous cruise.


View of Dominica from my 2007 cruise.

Cruise 2007

A lovely friend I made on the cruise.

St. Thomas 2007

View of St. Thomas.


That's my dad.


Another picture of my dad.

Molo Pier in Poland

Arial view of the Molo Pier in Poland. I've been there.

Space Shuttle Discovery

I just love this picture!

image of me flying Super Duck restricted access

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